Cyberstrike Brief

Digital Asset

Mitigating Outage Risks: Three Inside-Out Strategies for CSOs
With carefully crafted strategies, CSOs can navigate the challenges of the digital age, safeguarding against costly outages and potential threats. Download this whitepaper to learn how.


Chief Security Officers (CSOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are facing an ever-increasing barrage of challenges. Balancing tightening budgets with new SEC mandates and increased scrutiny from stakeholders, security executives have plenty keeping them up late at night.

While protecting organizations against external security threats is a widely recognized aspect of the CSO’s role, the truth is, often the call comes from inside the house.

With a 2023 Forrester survey reporting 39% of respondents estimated their company lost up to one million dollars due to outages and disruptions in the preceding month, it’s imperative that CSOs work to prevent these outages from the inside out.

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